Yes, its official, I am rubbish at updating my blog.
Christmas has been and gone and left everyone - me included - with that extra bit of flab around the middle. This is fine as its compulsory to overeat at Christmas and I gather that second helping of Christmas pudding is good for the immune system.
Anyway, the nice people at the posh Mayfair gym (see previous post) have given me my own training programme. Everyday I have to be either at the gym, pounding the streets of SW London in my trainers, or doing circuit training in my sitting room. That latter is referred to as "Home" in the training schedule.
Here ae my instructions for this week:
Monday: Day off – remember good foods
Tuesday: Gym session
Wednesday: 35 minute jog at >6 mph
Thursday: 1.25 hour walk at 5 mph & Home
Friday: Day off – remember good foods
Saturday: 45 minute jog at >6 mph
Included in instructions for my "Home" workout is the following: "Upright rows with rubber band, 15 reps x 3"
I have absolutely no idea what this means and it really doesn't sound like something one should attempt by oneself! Anyone who knows what this lycra clad fool is on about can get in touch - anonymously.
Other than working out like the Duracell Bunny, I have given up every vice. This includes no more alcohol under after the trek and no more of any other vice that my mother doesn't know about either!
Frankly, I am in danger of going ever-so-slightly crackers! But, I did go for a 35 minute run with my flatmate lat night. The flatmate may look slightly like a younger version of Ken Clarke MP, but is actually quite fit and does silly things like marathons on a fairly regular basis.
To picture the pair of us just imagine the old 118 118 adverts, but then add about 150lbs.
So the forceful eviction of all vices from my life is having a positive effect, although I did dream about red wine last night...