Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spin-my-Blog Post

So we now heading back the way we came, back to our starting points. We're hoping to be extracted on Wed afternoon. We should have enough time to get back. If the weather does not get bad again. But everyone's phoned it's folks(?), no major concerns & something to look forward to. Getting back to the UK on Sun. Bye.

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koffshun said...

How disappointing that you couldn't make it all the way across to Pangnirtung.
I hope you get back to Qikiqtarjuaq safely though. If only so we can get some idea of how to pronounce these names!
Missing you (you know who you are) take care these next few days.

Anonymous said...

How you have managed to keep going in such appalling conditions only Heaven knows!
You must not be disappointed and we all hope you have many photos to share with us on your return.
Keep safe.
Can't wait for a hug from baby no.2