Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hi guys,
You may have noticed the link on the right hand side of this page which directs you to the fundraising page. I have checked the link, and it is working. Please use the link to add your kind donation to the cause. I have no idea which posting on this blog gave you the impression that I was doing this ludicrous trek for fun?! So please please help out if you can.
Did I mention that Sophie Anderton is taking part in this trek as well? The largest donation gets a picture of Sophie being eaten by a polar bear. Probably. I have linked a lovely photo of her here. She does seem to be quite popular on the internet.
And no, I didn't watch Love Island, but I am sure it was edited to make her look like a bunny boiler and that she is actually a very nice person.
And if you were wondering, I have not updated my latest weight for a good reason. So there!

On the ever-so-dull exercise front, I am still going to the gym, but need to do more over the weekend, which I regard as time off from all arduous activities, such as work and exercise. This needs to change.
Thanks for reading, good night and good luck.

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