Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Training Day 1
Weight: 109.2kg (17 stone 3 lbs)
There is something very satisfying about stepping on a treadmill for a good reason. People tend to do it because we are vain and don't want to be too rotund. But most of the time apathy and the imagined taste of lager give vanity a good mental kicking and most of us end up going to the pub with mates at lunchtime instead. Of is that just me?
Anyway, now I have a real motivation to go to the gym. And you know what? It is still a shitty experience and hurts like hell. But it did feel good to get the new regime underway. The Australian fitness instructor in the gym (why are they always Australian?!) is of course ever-so-enthusiastic about my jaunt across the Arctic ice. Well, that said, there was a moment after I told her when she looked like she was about to burst into laughter, but we will gloss over that.
She has agreed to design my a fitness programme and we are to go over the plan in the gym tomorrow morning at 8:30am. Well, may as well use up this enthusiasm before it wears off!
I have told her I want to lose two stone in weight and after a brief visual scrutiny, she agreed that it was a very realistic target. Bitch.
So today has gone as well as could be expected. Glowered at the waiter when he asked if I wanted chips to go with my steak at lunch and now feeling quite smug. Won't last I expect.

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