Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Weight: 107.2kg (16 stone 13 lb)
Weight lost in last week: 0.5kg (1.1lb)
Total Weight loss: 2.1kg (4.5lb)

So I thought it was about time I told you all about the charity that will be benefiting from this sponsored madness. The Mitchemp Trust is a children's charity that turns hoodies into respectable young people by taking them to the countryside.
Actually, that is my somewhat crass and simplistic interpretation of what it does.
According to its own website the Mitchemp Trust is a "youth development charity working with vulnerable children who are between the ages of 11 and 14 years".
It aims to "improve their confidence, self esteem and ability to take responsibility for themselves.We accomplish this by providing adventure camps, involving exciting outdoor activities that enable the children to succeed and achieve."
The Trust's motto is "If you think you can, you probably will. If you think you can't, you definitely won't"
Well I definitely think that I probably can do this trek. So there!
Anyway, I slightly fell off the wagon at the weekend and may have accidentily ordered pizza. Firezza does wicked and genuinely Italian pizza all across London. Think very thin, lots of fresh basil, tomato etc and not covered in three inches of cheese like the variety of pizza favoured by fatboy Americans. Speaking of Americans, wasn't the Ryder Cup just fantastic!!
I may have visited a well known American fast food chain that sounds like "NacDonalds" as well. Well, I didn't have any food in the fridge, what was I supposed to do?
I think I am allowed one (large) plateful of carbs and fat per week! The good news is the weight is still creeping down, albeit at a slower rate. I wonder what 4.5lb looks like? Four bags of sugar? Answers on a postcard please.
The training plan from the fitness instructor on the trip is only 10 weeks long, which means that I am already ahead of schedule.
The other good news is that we may have a sponsor lined up to fund the whole £90,000 cost of the expedition. Fingers crossed.
On a different note, it is very interesting to see who is reading this blog. I seem to have regular readers as far afield as California. So don't be shy, leave comments and any wisdom you may wish to share.

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